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How is Emotional Intelligence Related to Diversity?

Updated: Sep 3, 2022

Emotional intelligence asks those questions we all love in job interviews, such as "How do you react to criticism?" We all have our inward and outward reactions, the good angel on our shoulder speaks to our boss, and the bad angel rolls their eyes when we tell the story to our friends. How the criticism is delivered is just as important as how the a person responds to the criticism, but that is rarely the question asked. Imagine if you said to your executive director or manager, " How are you at constructing criticism in a way to resist resentment in your subordinates?"

You may need to prep for another job interview. If you try it, I'd love to hear how it goes, so please, send us an e-mail!

In the meantime, if you're not ready for that level of bravery, here is an actual emotional intelligence test you can take yourself. For best results, be honest with yourself. There's a video at the end to tell you more about your results, which is why I'm sharing this resource with you from the Institute for Health and Human Potential. The courage to confront ourselves is a powerful tool in implementing change.

-Sonia, Founder and CEO, No Offense, LLC

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